Multi-trade swaps
The Multi-trade swap allows for the buying and selling of tokens at lightning speeds.
Users will be able to access the feature from Telegram and can set their buy settings accordingly. In Telegram set your buy settings in the setting menu provided and make sure to select the appropriate wallets. From there, users will be able to buy their desired tokens simultaneously and use the wallets they've selected.
A feature added to the Multi-trade swaps is Failguard. Failguard is a setting that you can toggle on or off, Failguard will check to see if the transaction will fail before sending it.
Within Telegram, you'll be able to select from different set amounts that you can trade with. These are set amounts to allow for ease of use for our users. However, users also have the option to put in a custom amount if they so chose. Users will also have the option to implement the slippage they are most comfortable with. Auto-slippage will automatically determine the best slippage for you but you also have the option to set a custom one. Please note: higher slippage tolerance can result in being front run on your transaction or sandwich attacked.
Once you've made those specifications to your trade, you can now input the contract address to complete it. After that, your transaction will be finished and the bot will notify you on the total cost of the transaction including the gas fees. There will be a link posted to BNB scan that can show you all the transactions that took place and where your money went and where it is now.
The same process can be applied to the sell function on our app. Uses will be able to sell and conduct multiple trades in one swift move with our app.
Last updated