Limit sell orders
PancakeBot offers limit sell orders to our users. Customizable and simple.
From the menu you'll be able to see all the tokens you'll be able to place sell orders on.
If you choose "Percentage Sell Amount" this will select the percentage of your entire amount you'd like to sell.
"Expiration" will be the amount of time you'd like your sell order to stay valid for.
"Price Change" will be the percentage change in the value of the token that will trigger the order (This can be positive or negative, depending on if you want to do a stop loss or limit order.)
Choosing "Select Tokens" and entering the line numbers of tokens you want to create limit orders for. Make sure to separate multiple numbers with a comma.
Use the "Delete Order" button to remove orders by entering their line numbers.
The limit sell orders use private transactions to protect against sandwich attacks.
After the orders are triggered, they disappear from the "Limit Sell" menu.
Last updated