Robogolem Club: Your Gateway to the Robogolem Ecosystem
The Robogolem Club is your one-stop destination for everything within the Robogolem Ecosystem. Designed for simplicity, it offers a seamless experience even for those unfamiliar with blockchain technology. Here's what you can do at the Robogolem Club:
Complete KYC/AML verifications for secure access(Tentative).
Purchase $RBG using a credit card or USDC.
Buy and play Robogolem games with $RBG or a credit card.
Manage your Robogolem wallet with full control.
Transfer $RBG to fellow club members.
Monitor your $RBG Rewards Wallet.
Track $ROCK earnings from Robogolem activities and games.
Authorize $RBG for esports competitions.
View the global wallet balance.
Check results of esports competitions, both in-app and on-chain.
Review your rewards history.
Handle referrals and vote on gaming projects, platform developments, and governance issues.
Propose new game ideas and seek funding.
Engage in esports mechanics for various game titles.
Last updated